I wrote From Democracy to Democrazy with one intent in mind – warn American voters of the Russian/Putin influence in our lives and on our democracy. I spent about 20 years living and working in Russia and Central Asia – six dictator-led countries. I became bi-cultural. As an American this was an arduous transition, but over time I learned to look-like, behave-like, and understand Russian and Russians.
In the early 1990’s, The Moscow Business Survival Guide wrote: “The most fundamental concepts that have guided your judgement for a lifetime are not even known, much less understood here.” As an American, I had to “give-up” all previous democratic thought-processes and reasoning and learn to think and behave as a Russian. I needed to adjust from living in a free and democratic society to a dictatorship. I understood that I could be incarcerated or murdered at any time and for any drummed-up reason.
Putin, a Cold War-era communist spy turned President, is attempting to return the world order to the pre-NATO status. He hates the U.S. for a list of reasons and he blames us for the breakdown of the Soviet Union and the downfall of communism. He wants revenge and he is succeeding – via Trump, via the thousands of Russian agents in the U.S. AND via preventing our government from operating. His advanced cyber-attacks and his interference of our voting process prevent free elections. His support for Trump and therefore MAGA and other destructive Republicans is working toward the destruction of our democracy. The January 6, 2021, insurrection is one illustration. Another instance is the cessation of our government for 36 days during the Trump administration. This was the longest shut down in U.S. history (www.cbsnews.com). Putin knows that when our government, our economy, and our democracy shuts down – it is more vulnerable. Trump’s belligerent followers in Congress (2023) are again talking about a government closure. In the process of this new closure, money for Ukraine was denied. The substantial ignorance of these elected officials validates how little they comprehend Putin’s intentions and tactics. Yes, it is all entwined: Putin-Trump-Maga/Republicans-and destruction of our democracy by a dictator who hates the U.S.
Putin’s defilement of our economy through cyber-attacks utilizes hacking into our elections and polls, delaying delivery of our consumer food/products, disrupting our economy via financial institutions and banking, reducing security by hacking our intelligence systems and military bases, and by instigating two wars. Microsoft research proved that 58% or more of U.S. cyber-attacks come from Russia and their dictatorship. (www.Microsoft.com) For example, not long ago the U.S. had a shortage of baby formula. The public was told it was due to a recall. Cargill, a global U.S. agricultural company with a large operation in Russia posted a notice on their website. It says that: Feb. 24, 2023 – “The Black Sea corridor plays a significant role in growing key ingredients for basic staples like bread, cereal and infant formula . . .” Once a product leaves Cargill’s oversight, it’s distribution is under Russian control.
Wars cost billions of dollars (or more), and our federal budget is about $1.70 Trillion in a negative hole. (https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov) Wars also deplete our own arsenal of weaponry. A country who operates with such a mammoth deficit cannot afford war, yet the United States is entangled in two – the timing of the second war was fashioned (Hamas-Iran-Russia) for the purpose of over-shadowing the first war in Ukraine. Worldwide attention has shifted from the destruction of Ukraine by Putin/KGB/FSB to the Israeli-Hamas war.
Trump – in his ego-centric world – operates entirely on flattery, money, and beautiful women. He was the perfect candidate for KGB/FSB enlistment and was recruited over several decades. If hooked – which I would estimate happened at the 2017 Helsinki Summit with Putin – he was then a Russian operative and committing treason while he slept in the WH.
Communism is no longer a term used in relationship with contemporary Russia. It is obsolete. Russia now operates entirely as a dictatorship – a one-man show. And this man, Vladimir Putin, is intent on the destruction of the United States.
From Democracy to Democrazy was rated number one in three categories on Amazon (Kindle) two weeks after it was released in July 2023. This book’s intention is a WARNING to Americans. I used to be a typical naive American until I lived and worked in Russia.
Elizabeth Graham had a Top Secret Clearance at a young age and worked undercover with the CIA for nearly a decade. Then she joined Science Applications International, a division called the Foreign Systems Research Center (FSRC) where she spent 12 years of which 8 years was studying Russian. Her job as the Data Base Manager of the largest Russian-language military, technical, and intelligence library taught her to “correct” technical Russian. She was also the Software Configuration Manager for a $5M USG contract to deploy and mobilize Russian troops and trains in the case of a declaration of war. She began to travel to the Soviet Union and then became one of the very few Americans to move to the USSR. This move was intended to be for one year, but twenty years later she was still returning to live/work in former communist and dictator countries. She was also a consultant in war-torn countries such as Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Rwanda. Over time, she became “Russianized.” Her first-hand knowledge and understanding of life in a communist or dictator-led country is shared with Americans in her book From Democracy to Democrazy. Few Americans appreciate our democracy and freedoms more than Graham. This book is intended as a “warning” to all Americans regarding Trump’s behavior, decisions, and words and how his actions are destroying our precious democracy.